Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody!  Here are a few of my favourite photos from 2014.

 Pied Wagtail, Helens Bay

 Stonechat, Groomsport

 Meadow Pipit, Portmuck

 Kestrel, Scrabo

 Willow Warbler, Comber Greenway

 Grey Wagtail, Dundonald

Wren, Kiltonga

 Buzzard, Clandeboye

Dipper, Dundonald

Floodgates to Pattons Marsh

On the 30th December 2014 I went to the Floodgates Newtownards and walked to Pattons Marsh. I saw a Little Egret, a Grey Heron, a Wren, Robin, Redshank, Lapwings and a Kestrel.

 Little Egret












Groomsport to Orlock

On Christmas eve I walked from Groomsport to Orlock Point.  I saw Purple Sandpipers, Turnstones, Cormorants, Shags, 2 Stonechats, Rock Pipits, a Dunnock, a Grey Wagtail and a Carrion Crow.  Here are some photos.

 Grey Wagtail

 Carrion Crow

 Carrion Crow

 Rock Pipit


 Purple Sandpiper





  Purple Sandpiper

  Purple Sandpiper and Turnstone

